The Community around Common Stage is very diverse.
Everyone who joins Common Stage brings something in: His/her attention, an idea, a song, a movement or dance, or is joining someone.
Improvisation Performances offer many entrances for different interests. People join in what is happening on the floor and everyone introduces their own unique contribution and talent to the creative process.

The artistic team opens the creative space and holds it for the other participants. The team brings materials, instruments, lighting, amplification, as well work forms, methods, and experience and eventually invites the participants to do the same. The artistic team works on this project as a collective.
Nicholas Hibbert - music (piano, guitar)
Gijs Top - theater, music (flute, trumpet)
Susan Bink - fine arts and performance
Susi Rosenfeld - dance and performance
Armando Albornoz - video, music and performance
Bart Bleijerveld - music and text
Amara Diabate - music (kora, djembe)
Sometimes we are 25 people at Common Stage, sometimes a smaller group. Some join us every week, some every now and then. We have a community of around 65 people around Common Stage.
We work together with other institutions in the neighbourhood like De Voorkamer, Het Ubuntuhuis, Asylum Seeker Home, and artEZ - University of the Arts Arnhem.
Playing in Common Stage means encountering. Encountering people, the space, ways of working, suprising, different moments and scenes. While getting to know each other, new collaborations can evolve. Roos and Amara discovered playing together at Common Stage and since then they've been playing at all kind of places as Super Landaya.
Alet started playing at Common Stage and while doing so also discovered the possibilties of 'het atelier @het wilde westen and experimented with different art lessons.
After Janneke joined Common Stage, she also got to know Het Wilde Westen and started organising different courses at the cultural centre: from intuitive painting to theatre making with kids.
The Video artist Said Al Rifai made the beautiful video of Common Stage during his educational program and since the Ubuntu project, video artist Tessel Schmidt is connected to Common Stage and the Ubunthuis.
While playing at Common Stage Keon was invited to participate as Lead Singer in Lied van je leven.
Common Stage is part of the International Community Art Festival Platform (ICAF).
In April 2023 Common Stage is invited at the Meanwhile Festival at artEZ, University of the Arts Arnhem and in 2024 Common Stage will be a module of the theater teacher training at artEZ.