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Describiendo mi experiencia en el common stage

-Armando Albornoz .

Hace algo de tiempo que hice contacto con este grupo de artistas, profesores, directores, actores, musicos y personas que forman parte de lo que llamamos common stage; un espacio donde es posible experimentar estados de sincronizidad de nosotros los seres humanos.

Mas que actuar, expresar, cantar o tocar un instrumento de manera espontanea con la intención de coincidir con las intenciones del resto de los participantes sin un plan previo, es un camino repleto de química, gracia, conexión grupal, audacia, fuerza, destreza, actitud, amor, respeto y muchas mas cosas que con simples palabras no seriamos capaces de describir. De esta forma descubrimos diversidad de dones, facultades o tecnologías intuitivas que cada ser humano posee dentro de si mismo.


Describing my experience on the common stage

-Armando Albornoz . (Translated with

Some time ago I made contact with this group of artists, teachers, directors, actors, musicians and people who are part of what we call common stage; a space where it is possible to experience states of synchronicity of us human beings.

More than acting, expressing, singing or playing an instrument spontaneously with the intention of coinciding with the intentions of the rest of the participants without a previous plan, it is a path full of chemistry, grace, group connection, audacity, strength, dexterity, attitude, love, respect and many more things that with simple words we would not be able to describe. In this way we discover the diversity of gifts, faculties or intuitive technologies that every human being possesses within themselves.

38 weergaven


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